Background Colours
When you are looking at any of the jobs in CostManager, they will have coloured backgrounds. Each colour represents a different job status.
Viewed for first time - Pale Orange
This is colour when you enter a screen and this is the first time you have seen these jobs
Not Sent - White
Sent/Printed (Light Purple)
Waiting on Customer (Light Yellow)
Weather Delay (Light Grey)
Accepted (Purple)
Waiting on Parts (Light Green)
Other (Pink)
Closed (Burnt Orange)
Completed (Pale Salmon)
Payment Received (Red)
Not Sent - White
Sent/Printed (Light Purple)
Waiting on Customer (Light Yellow)
Weather Delay (Light Grey)
Accepted (Purple)
If job sent to field device, when the user opens to start the job the status changes to this colour
Waiting on Parts (Light Green)
Other (Pink)
Closed (Burnt Orange)
Job has been sent back from field device, status changes auto to this colour (whether job completed or not)
Completed (Pale Salmon)
Payment Received (Red)
Self explanatory